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Ομιλία με τίτλο: Through multilevel optimization to self-optimization control.

από τους Professor Todor Stoilov και Professor Krasimira Stoilova.

Την Τετάρτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2014 και ώρα 11:00 στην αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων ΜΠΔ θα δοθεί ομιλία από τους Prof. Todor Stoilov και Prof. Krasimira Stoilova με τίτλο: Through multilevel optimization to self-optimization control.

This research illustrates ideas from the multilevel systems theory to design a traffic control system that embodies self-optimization properties. These ideas are described in the term of multilevel optimization problem. A simulation example is provided, explaining the methodology for multilevel optimization. An example shows the optimal control evaluation of both traffic arguments: split of the green light and the duration of the traffic light cycle by two optimization problems. The self-optimization properties are achieved by extension of the space of control variable, by increase of the goal functions and the set of requirements towards the control process. The extension is achieved by the integration of optimization problems, which are interconnected among their parameters and arguments. The multilevel theory is proposed as a primary candidate to integrate the different self optimization functionalities. The application of this formalism in transportation systems will give ground for quantitative formalization of the control processes in autonomic traffic control systems.

Todor Stoilov is a professor in the Bulgarian Academy of Science. He graduated in the Technical University of Sofia. His PhD and D.Sc. degrees have been defended respectively in 1979 and 1999 for the domain of Technical Cybernetics. His researches concern the problems, related with modeling, optimization and implementation of automatic control systems in different domains. The most addressed systems are transportation ones, communication networks, financial problems, design of information systems. He is author and coauthor of 5 books and more than 200 publications on papers, conferences and symposia. He was a vice chair and Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee 7.4 Control in Transportation Systems. His current position is Head of Department “Hierarchical Systems: in the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies. He is affiliated and invited lecturer in more of 6 Universities in Bulgaria.

Krasimira Stoilova is a professor in the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the department “Hierarchical Systems”. She graduated as a control engineer in the Technical University of Sofia. She is Ph.D. from 1981 and D.Sc. from 2005 on Technical Cybernetics domain. The research interests are related with modeling, optimization and control of complex systems. The hierarchical multilevel approach is used as an instrument for control applications in different areas: transportation systems, information systems, financial area. She has more than 200 scientific publications. She has participation in many national and international projects, funded by the EC. She is a lecturer in Varna Free University in Bulgaria.

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